new exhibition:
september 14th > october 26th 2024
at arrêt sur l’image galerie - 45 Cours du Médoc 33300 bordeaux
FRIDAY October 27th 2023
BOOk launch at PhotoBookCafe - 4 Leonard Circus / Shoreditch EC2A 4DQ london - UK
august 24th > october 1rst 2023
exhibition at l’angle galerie - 6 rue des Citronniers 64700 hendaye
TUESDAY July 7th 2023
Signing book at actes sud la crosière during the international photography festival in arles
November 6th > 12th / during paris photo 2023
exhibition at galerie joseph - 78 rue de turenne 75003 paris
saturday feb 17th 2024
nuit de la photo - suisse
160 pages / 135 images Hardcover / 23 x 27 cm TEXT BY ANA CARDINALE French / English 45 euros
When you grow up facing the sea, the feeling of the ocean never goes away.
What impressed me the most when we settled on the Basque Coast was the light and different changes of atmosphere,
which proved to be even stronger off-season.
Unlike a trip, where we arrive at a destination with a blank gaze; walking the streets of a familiar environment becomes a challenge.
Confronting yourself daily with the same details and atmospheres, everything can seem almost too banal to be interesting.
It is precisely this challenge that interested me: the simplicity of things, the fascinating aesthetic of everyday life.
My exploration was exclusively by foot for a specific time, and I noticed that I always stayed within a 4km* radius of my home.
This ritual became a journey with imaginary boundaries, leaving free rein to intuitions and chance as I walked.
Unintentionally, I polarized my eternal sources of inspiration: architecture, cinema and literature; reminding me of George Perec
and what he called “l’infra-ordinaire”.
Discovering characters’ attitudes from the images I just took had become a daily pleasure when I came back from a day of shooting.
APRES L ÉTÉ (“After Summer”) is not a project about emptiness, but rather what is around it and within it.
It’s about observing a fragment of reality as I see and feel it, without the pretension of telling any other story than the one
you can make yourself by looking at the photographs.
What we really see and what we discover over time, simply by observing closer.
*4km is the total distance from Copacabana Beach where I lived during my teens in Rio de Janeiro.
“The emotion of Roberto Badin’s images leaves us with an indelible imprint.
Through the photographs of his new book, he transmits his poetic vision of a space delimited in a captivating style and composition.
After Inside Japan, we could expect him to choose another distant destination, but he decides to explore the familiarity around his home.
He revives with enthusiasm the mythology of everyday life, escaping the perception of ordinary life.
Their beauty comes from immobility and movement, from houses with closed windows to vast sea horizons.
as timeless markers placing us in front of our transient condition of being human”
ANA CARDINALE is a journalist and stylist specializing in interiors, art, design and architecture
"What happens every day and comes back every day, the banal, the daily, the obvious, the common, the ordinary,
the infra-ordinary, the background noise, the usual, how to realize it, how to question it, how to describe it?”
Georges Perec
selected press (click to see each full article)
“Comme le suggère son auteur, après l’été se présente comme un de ces petits romans d’été qu’on emmènerait à la plage et qu’on aurait plaisir à terminer à l’automne. Entre ses pages se sont glissés quelques grains de sable et nos expériences estivales”
(Apolline Coëffet)
“Roberto Badin continue son exploration des espaces, magnifiés par son regard qui capte leur simplicité et leur infinité.”
(Nathalie Dassa)
“Quel bel ouvrage que cette dernière création – Après l’été – du photographe Roberto Badin, dont on aime toujours autant le sens du cadre et l'approche très fine de la lumière”
“The cover of ‘Après l’été’ shows a fleeting moment of autumn sun”
“The fascinating aesthetic of everyday life”
“un volume che é un ricordo, come quando mesi dopo l'estate ci capitatra tra le mani un piccolo libro letto in vaccanza, con le pagine un po accartocciate dalla'acqua salata e qualqche granello di sabia intrappolato qua e là, e nel tenere in mano quell oggetto ci tornano in mente tutte le emozioni estive, il sentore del caldo sulla pelle, il rumore delle cicale e soppratutto, la luce”.
“AFTER SUMMER / APRÈS L’ÉTÉ is a project whose aim is not to show emptiness, but rather what’s around and inside. It’s about observing a fragment of reality
“D’une rare poésie, ses images donnent à voir la simplicité des choses, la fascinante esthétique de l’ordinaire de tous les jours”
“Fleeting moments – the last ray of sun at dusk – are captured with a lyrical and cinematic sensibility.”
“« Quand on a grandi face à la mer, le sentiment océanique ne nous quitte jamais.”
“Badin works with ambient light to create a natural effect, creating abstract images that capture extraordinary beauty in everyday scenarios”
(lee sharrock)
“Tel un voyageur en terrain connu, l’artiste fixe aussi une date butoir à ses pérégrinations, qui se limitent à d’étonnantes frontières.”
“Après L'Été ("After Summer") is not a project about emptiness, but rather what is around it and within it”
“Beaucoup de poésie dans toutes ses photographies, un talent évident, une attention sensible, une exigeante simplicité qui font de chaque image une rencontre.”